Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Discovered | Polux Fleuriste

Yesterday I answered a summons for jury duty. Overall, I can’t complain too much about the experience. I spent most of the day sitting in various rooms, and so fortunately was able to get a fair amount of work done during the waiting process. A particular plus was our unexpectedly long lunch break, during which my hunt for Blue Bottle Coffee Tribeca led me to a beautiful market called All Good Things. Nestled right next to the Blue Bottle kiosk was an absolutely gorgeous floral shop called Polux Fleuriste. One of the partners who runs Polux Fleuriste was working on an absolutely stunning (and HUGE) arrangement, and while waiting for my latte I happily took in their collection of cut flowers (lovely lavender hydrangeas and some truly stunning white dahlias especially caught my eye – below are my iPhone snaps).

And here are some additional pictures of the space and work of Polux Fleuriste (all images via their Facebook page).

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